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Anthony Summersell - Chair and Founder


Anthony Summersell first went to Tanzania in 2001, this sparking his continued interest in the country since.


Anthony has been involved with Let Them Shine from the start and continues to take a very active role in all aspects of the charity including the day to day management.

Anthony usually makes two visits to Tanzania a year, personally paying for travel, subsistence etc, to help manage the the operation 'on the ground'. 

Helen Bostock


Helen Bostock has over 25 years experience working in global financial services and is now a director of Alter Domus, based in Luxembourg.  

Helen has been a trustee of Let Them Shine since 2010, and completed a number of fundraising activities on behalf of the centre including a sky dive in 2012.  She visited Lukani with her husband and daughter in 2013 and is looking forward to returning.

Jane Henshaw


Jane has over 30 years experience in the UK property industry and is now Director of Projects, based in Chelsea, London, for a family owned property company responsible for delivering mixed use construction projects. 

Jane has recently become a trustee and is looking forward to visiting Lukani in 2024 with her husband Paddy. Jane has raised money for the centre, mainly through sponsored events, including cycling from London to Paris.

Thomas Summersell


Tom was invited to become a trustee in early 2021 having visited Tanzania a few years ago.

Steven Ehrllich


To Follow

Mark Bostock


While not a trustee Mark has played a pivotal role in the decision making and running of the charity. 


Let them Shine Suggested Governance Structure Reference: The Charity Trustee’s Handbook, 3rd Edition Governance is the process Let Them Shine trustees uses to make sure that the charity operates effectively, for example, that it has clear aims, priorities and procedures. Let Them Shine is a small charity, the trustees are UK and EU based, it is quite a simple and straightforward structure which has been developed over many years. The charity was quite small when it started and it still is today; our governance reflects this. Our aim is to provide early years education to children aged between and to provide ongoing support where needed Our priority is the children’s welfare and using the available resources (time, finance, expertise) to best affect. Our procedures relate to the running of the centre, how the children are looked after and the contribution it makes to being part of the how community in the small village of Lukani, Tanzania. There seven core principles to our governance: Organisational purpose - early years children’s eduction Leadership Chair and founder Anthony Summersell Headteacher Mr Natai Lead teacher Ester Integrity The trustees are a group of leaders in UK and EU businesses with various specific skills, expertise and experiences; they are highly committed to the charity and believe greatly in what it can achieve. We are all trustees because we believe that relatively modest financial sums can really make a significant difference in the lives of children several thousand miles away by building on the commitments that Anthony has made to the village over the last 10 years. Decision-making, risk and control The trustees support each other in the decisions that are made Risks are managed by regular weekly contact with Mr Natai and Ester. For example, Anthony manages the finance on a day to day basis and ensures that the school have sufficient funds on a month by month basis; Amanda is a mentor to Ester, providing practical support and advice in how to best run the school. Controls are in place to monitor and oversee the welfare of the children both during term time and during holiday periods. Board effectiveness The trustees collectively know and understand their roles and as a board make reasonable decisions about the charity’s activities and finances. For example, the web site has been substantially updated to provide more information about the charity, to drive more donations both personal and corporate. The trustees recognise that they have two key duties: a duty of care, to utilise their personal skills and experiences to ensure that the charity is well-run and efficient; and a duty of prudence, to act reasonably to make sure that the charity is and will remain solvent. Equality, diversity and inclusion We believe in equality, diversion and inclusion; this is demonstrated by our approach to how we select children to be part of the centre and how we aim to be a key part of the wider community. For example: our minibus … Openness and accountability The trustees are particularly careful about finances; we satisfy ourselves that the charity is in control of its financial planning (budgets), that there is sufficient monitoring (annual and monthly accounts), that forecasts are reasonably and progress is assessed regularly. There are reasonable safeguards in place to ensure that cash is appropriately handled and that the income is well spent. Because of the nature of the charity, we are able to make modest contributions impactful. We are responsible to ensure that all relevant legal requirements are met; this includes employment law, for the staff at the centre and data protection law for those making donations.


Without the kindness and generosity of our donors and supporters none of what we do would be possible. So a big thank you to the following:

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