We use JustGiving, a secure online platform, to accept donations. Here's how to contribute:
Visit our JustGiving page here (or copy and paste this link https://www.justgiving.com/letthemshineuk)
Click the big, blue "Donate" button.
Enter your desired donation amount.
(Optional) Leave a message of support to inspire others and let the children at Let Them Shine know how much you care!
Choose your preferred payment method (credit card, debit card, etc.)
Important: If you are donating from outside the UK, you can change your country of origin and currency in the top right corner of the JustGiving page. This ensures any relevant tax regulations are applied correctly.
Finally, pleased think carefully about remaining anonymous - we won't bombard you with lots of emails!
Every contribution, big or small, has the power to make a lasting impact.
Thank you for your generosity!